Creating a Season Fee

LeagueUp HQ
Written by LeagueUp HQLast update 2 years ago

Creating a season fee avoids the hassle of teams needing to pay on a weekly basis. Instead, team members can each contribute a unique amount to cover the total fee.

Step 1:


Firstly it's important to set the weekly fee as $0.00 and create a season fee when creating the league.



Step 2:


Once a fixture has then been created and made public the fee will then appear on the player's app as a team fee. From here each player in the team is able to contribute a unique amount until the fee has been fully funded.

This is how it will appear on the player's phone: (select 'view open payments')



Step 3:


Once a team has begun contributing to a fee, the edit icon on the invoice will become an arrow. This shows that the payment is active.


From here you have the option to 'refund' those amounts that have been contributed to the fee. If however the fee is fully funded, it will be marked as paid.



Note: This allows an administrator to know if the team has begun contributing to the fee. It is important that if a fee becomes overdue that the administrator reminds the team of the fee and requests immediate payment.

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