Getting started with LeagueUp

LeagueUp HQ
Written by LeagueUp HQLast update 2 years ago

To kick things off it's important to first include some preliminary details about your organisation and the leagues that you run!


Your Account


Organisational Details

To add organisational details to LeagueUp click into Settings > Basics. Here you will be able to include your phone number, email address and websiteYou also have the opportunity to select your currency, timezone and edit your subdomain.


Don't forget to make your LeagueUp platform unique by selecting your very own branding colour.




Adding new users to LeagueUp is easy! Simply click into Settings > Users and select ‘Add User’. Upon adding a new user, an invitation will be sent via email.


League Settings


Add Sports

By navigating to Settings > Sports, you will be able to add and edit the details of the sports that you offer to players.


When adding a sport, you will need to include game duration, points for win/loss, a forfeitscore and a default match fee. You also have the option to choose whether you want a ladder to be presented using percentage or score difference.



Add Venues

By navigating to Settings > Venues, you will be able to add and edit the details of the venues that you operate from.


When adding a venue, you will need to include the name of the venue and its address. You will also have the opportunity to add spaces (court / fields etc.) to the venue, and to select what sports these spaces are available for.


Don't worry if you need to add more spaces later, you can also return to edit your venues!



Add Divisions, Grades and Seasons

By navigating to Settings > Divisions/Grades/Seasons you will be able to add all the extra detail that your leagues require. These additions ensure that your leagues can continue to grow in size without you having to worry about managing numerous divisions, grades and seasons at one time!

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